IBSG Webinar Tháng 9-2023: Thần Kinh Phát Triển

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Kính mời quý độc giả tham dự buổi Webinar tháng 9-2023 do Nhóm Học Thuật Y Sinh IBSG tổ chức trực tuyến qua Zoom.

Trong buổi webinar chuyên đề này, IBSG hân hạnh được sự tham gia của:

Trần Hồng Nhung: PhD candidate, Dept. of Genetics and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Life Science, Kyung Hee University, Rep. of Korea.

Chủ đề: Regulation of Midbrain Development


The dorsal midbrain, or tectum, forms two morphologically and functionally distinct compartments, the inferior colliculus (IC) and superior colliculus (SC), which process auditory and visual information, respectively. By using null and conditional alleles, we uncover a wide spectrum of functions of Dbx1 in the regulation of IC and SC differentiation. First, we show that Dbx1 functions as a tectum- specific GABAergic determinant by regulating the selector genes, Helt, Gata2, and Tal2. Second, we demonstrate that Dbx1 is required for SC development only before E12.5, but it plays sustained roles in regulating IC formation. Third, our studies reveal that Dbx1 functions to prevent apoptotic cell death in the IC. Dbx1 ablation induces upregulation of c-Jun and pro-apoptotic BH3 only factors, and results in postnatal loss of the IC. By employing combined approaches, we uncover that Tcf7l2 acts downstream of Dbx1 and is required for formation and maintenance of the IC, but not the SC. Furthermore, we find that Ap-2δ which is previously known to be an essential regulator of the IC, is a transcriptional target of the Dbx1-Tcf7l2 axis. Together, these findings shed light on molecular basis underlying the embryonic development and postnatal survival of the IC.

Host: Nguyễn Bích Nụ

Thời gian: 9:00 – 10:00 sáng thứ Bảy giờ Việt Nam, ngày 30.09.2023.

Zoom Meeting: 


Meeting ID: 955 5882 2521

Passcode: IBSGW2023

Lưu ý: Khán giả không được quay phim hay chụp hình trong buổi thuyết trình vì diễn giả chia sẻ những kết quả chưa được công bố.

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