IBSG Webinar Tháng 8-2024: Kỹ thuật bản đồ hoá phân bố lipid và tế bào

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Kính mời quý độc giả tham dự buổi Webinar tháng 8-2024 do Nhóm Học Thuật Y Sinh IBSG tổ chức trực tuyến qua Zoom.

Trong buổi webinar chuyên đề này, IBSG hân hạnh được sự tham gia của:

Phạm Huy Thái, PhD: nghiên cứu hậu tiến sỹ, Đại Học Vanderbilt, Hoa Kỳ.

Chủ đề: Mapping Molecular Profiles to Cell Types and Neighborhoods through the Integration of MALDI IMS and CODEX Multiplexed IF Microscopy.

Talk abstract:

Lipids serve as a crucial energy source for the kidney, which predominantly relies on fatty acid oxidation for fuel. Therefore, it is essential to fully characterize lipid molecules in the human kidney. Various lipid molecules have been identified as potential indicators of chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to their differential expression in healthy versus diseased samples. However, without proper spatial context, such as specific cell types, cell neighborhoods (CNN), or functional tissue units (FTUs), many lipids cannot be mapped to specific biological pathways. Additionally, comparisons can be compromised by tissue sections or sample bias, further complicating our understanding of lipids’ roles and implications in kidney pathology. By adding spatial features to lipid detection—such as identifying specific cell types or microenvironments where lipid species are enriched—we can gain more detailed insights and facilitate deeper studies of metabolic pathways in kidney diseases. To achieve this, we developed a novel method combining MALDI IMS and MxIF- CODEX on the same tissue section, enabling direct connections between lipid distributions and specific cell types and their neighborhoods. With our current kidney antibody panel, we defined over 15 different cell types, spatially distributed into six unique cellular neighborhoods with distinct lipidomic profiles. This comprehensive analysis enhances our understanding of cellular physiology in healthy and diseased kidney tissues.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vmojgdQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Thông tin chi tiết về diễn giả xin mời quý độc giả xem tại đây:

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Chemistry. School of Molecular Science, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ Dissertation proposal: “Developing highly sensitive and multiplex single cell in-situ protein profiling methods.”
  • Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (Honored Program) Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi Vietnam Ranked 1st/ 15 in honnored program class – Top 1% out of 1100 BS students

Selected Publications:

Pham, T., Chen, Y., Labaer, J., & Guo, J. (2024). Ultrasensitive and Multiplexed Protein Imaging with Clickable and Cleavable Fluorophores. Analytical Chemistry 2024 96 (18), 7281-7288

Pham, T., Nazaroff, C. D., Labaer, J., & Guo, J. (2021). Ultrasensitive and Multiplexed Protein Imaging with Cleavable Fluorescent Tyramide and Antibody Stripping. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(16), 8644.

Pham, T., Tyagi, A., Wang, Y. S., & Guo, J. (2021). Single‐cell proteomic analysis. WIREs Mechanisms of Disease, 13(1), e1503.


Guo, J. Labaer, J. Nazaroff, C. D., Pham, T. (2023). Methods and systems for sensitive and multiplexed analysis of biological samples using cleavable fluorescent tyramide and probe stripping. US20230055832A1. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230055832A1/en

Guo, J. Labaer, J. Nazaroff, C. D., Pham, T. Methods and Systems for Sensitive and Multiplexed Analysis of Biological Samples Using Cleavable Fluorophores and ‘Click’ Chemistry. US Patent Application No.: 63/509,228

Host: Nguyễn Bích Nụ

Thời gian: 9:00 – 10:00 sáng thứ Bảy giờ Việt Nam, ngày 24.08.2024.

Zoom Meeting: 


Meeting ID: 951 4150 2502

Passcode: IBSGW2024

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