IBSG Webinar Tháng 4-2025: Đáp ứng dị biệt giới tính của ức chế dược lý tế bào Microglia trong não

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IBSG kính mời quý anh chị em tham gia buổi webinar khoa học tháng Tư năm 2025 với thông tin dưới đây.

Diễn giả: Tiến sỹ Lê Huyền Diệu Linh, nhà khoa học tại SetPoint Medical Corp.

Chủ đề: The microglial response to inhibition of Colony-stimulating-factor-1 receptor by PLX3397 differs by sex in adult mice.

Thông tin về diễn giả:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linh-le-hd/

Các giải thưởng mà Diệu Linh đạt được trong giai đoạn PhD:

  • Doty Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Neuroscience, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Wallace O. Fenn Dissertation Award, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Outstanding Student Mentor Award, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate student, University of Rochester

Diệu Linh đã có một giai đoạn PhD rất hiệu quả với các bài báo quan trọng trong ngành:

Tác giả đầu:

  1. Le LH, O’Banion MK, Majewska AK. Partial microglial depletion and repopulation exert subtle but differential effects on amyloid pathology at different disease stages. Scientific Reports. 2024 Dec 28;14(1):30912. Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-81910-0
  2. Le LH, Eliseeva S, Plunk E, Kara-Pabani K, Li H, Yarovinsky F, Majewska AK. The microglial response to inhibition of Colony-stimulating-factor-1 receptor by PLX3397 differs by sex in adult mice. Cell Reports. 2025 Jan 21. Link: https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(24)01527-4
  3. Le L, Feidler AM, Li H, Kara-Pabani K, Lamantia C, O’Banion MK, Majewska KA. Noradrenergic signaling controls Alzheimer’s disease pathology via activation of microglial β2 adrenergic receptors. bioRxiv. 2023 Dec 4. Link: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.01.569564v1.full

Đồng tác giả:

  1. Mendes MS, Le L, Atlas J, Brehm Z, Ladron-de-Guevara A, Matei E, Lamantia C, McCall MN, Majewska AK. The role of P2Y12 in the kinetics of microglial self-renewal and maturation in the adult visual cortex in vivo. eLife. 2021 Jul 12;10:e61173. Link: https://elifesciences.org/articles/61173
  2. Owlett LD, Karaahmet B, Le L, Belcher EK, Dionisio-Santos D, Olschowka JA, Elliott MR, O’Banion MK. Gas6 induces inflammation and reduces plaque burden but worsens behavior in a sex-dependent manner in the APP/PS1 model of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2022 Feb 7;19(1):38. Link: https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-022-02397-y
  3. Karaahmet B, Le L, Mendes MS, Majewska AK, O’Banion MK. Repopulated microglia induce expression of Cxcl13 with differential changes in Tau phosphorylation but do not impact amyloid pathology. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2022 Jul 4;19(1):173. Link: https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-022-02532-9
  4. Cealie MY, Douglas JC, Le LH, Vonkaenel ED, McCall MN, Drew PD, Majewska AK. Developmental ethanol exposure has minimal impact on cerebellar microglial dynamics, morphology, and interactions with Purkinje cells during adolescence. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2023 May 5;17:1176581. Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/neuroscience/articles/10.3389/fnins.2023.1176581/full
  5. Peng W, Osabutey M, Okoye CN, Chung K, Trojanczyk L, Le L, Selim NA, Milliken AS, Al‐Qazzaz A, Majewska AK, Wojtovich AP. Iron–induced, sex‐specific alterations of mitochondrial bioenergetic function and increased amyloid beta plaque size in 5xFAD mice. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 2024 Dec;20:e090717. Link: https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.090717

Book Chapter:

  1. Le L, Miyanishi K, Tanaka J, Majewska AK. Microglial Regulation of Sleep and Wakefulness. Microglia: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Potential. 2024 Aug 30:243-60. Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-55529-9_14

Thời gian: 9 giờ sáng Chủ Nhật, ngày 20.04.2025

Host: Nguyễn Bích Nụ

Zoom meeting:


Meeting ID: 965 3200 9393

Passcode: IBSGW2025

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