Triệu Anh Trung, PhD
Tiến sĩ / University of East Anglia

Tiến sĩ / University of East Anglia
Thông tin
PhD, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 2015
MSc, Genetics, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2007
BSc, Biology and Agriculture Techniques, HNUE, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2005
Work Experience:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of East Anglia, UK, 2016 to present
Lecturer, Faculty of Biology, HNUE, Hanoi, 2005 to present
Foreign Researcher, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University, Japan, 3/2010 to 11/2010
RNA Society (United States of America)
London RNA Club (United Kingdom)
2016-2018, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
2012-2015, Erasmus Mundus action 2 (MOVER program)
2008, Odon Vallet Scholarship for Graduate Students, Rencontres du Vietnam
2006, First prize, the competition: “Designing e-learning course for undergraduate students in Hanoi National University of Education”
2001, Second prize, National Biology Olympiad, Vietnam.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
• Trieu TA, Navarro-Mendoza MI, Pérez-Arques C, Sanchis M, Capilla J, Navarro-Rodriguez P, Lopez-Fernandez L, Torres-Martínez S, Garre V, Ruiz-Vázquez RM, Nicolás FE (2017). RNAi-Based Functional Genomics Identifies New Virulence Determinants in Mucormycosis. PLoS Pathogens 13(1): e1006150.
• Trieu TA, Calo S, Nicolás FE, Vila A, Moxon S, Dalmay T, Torres-Martínez S, Garre V, Ruiz-Vázquez RM (2015). A Non-Canonical RNA Silencing Pathway Promotes mRNA Degradation in Basal Fungi. PLoS Genetics 11(4): e1005168.
• Trieu Anh Trung, Ho Phuoc Bao Tram, Nguyen Dac Dai, Nguyen Hoai Nam and Masayuki Murai (2013). Some agricultural – biological traits of rice cultivars/isogenic lines imported from Japan. Journal of Science of HNUE, 58, 6A: 53-61.
• Trieu Anh Trung, Nguyen Van Anh, Nguyen Quynh Anh and Nguyen Van Cuong (2012). Analyzing RYR-1 genotype polymorphism in Mong Cai stock pigs and their F1 generation and designing the Kit for determining this genotype in pigs. Journal of Science of HNUE, 8: 111 – 118.
Conference Papers and Posters:
• Garre V, Nicolás FE, Cánovas-Márquez JT, Pérez-Arques C, Navarro-Mendoza MI, Trieu TA, Pérez-Ruiz JA, Navarro E, Torres-Martínez S, Ruiz-Vázquez RM (2017). A non-canonical RNA silencing pathway in Mucor circinelloides and its involvement in pathogenesis. 29th Fungal Genetics Conference, USA.
• Trieu TA, Billmeier M, Singh A and Dalmay T (2017). Functional analysis of Y RNA-derived sRNAs in the human breast cancer cells. Genomics, Epigenetics and Gene Regulation symposium, UK.
• Trieu TA, Billmeier M, Singh A and Dalmay T (2017). Involvement of Y RNA-derived small RNAs in the apoptosis initiation of the human breast cancer cells. BIO Colloquium, UEA.
• Trieu TA, Calo S, Nicolás FE, Moxon S, Dalmay T, Torres-Martínez S, Garre V and Ruiz-Vázquez RM (2015). A novel RNase III-like protein participates in an RdRP-dependent Dicer-independent degradation mechanism of endogenous mRNAs in basal fungi. 28th Fungal Genetics Conference, USA, p.183.
• Trung Anh Trieu, Francisco E. Nicolás, Silvia Calo, Victoriano Garre, Santiago Torres-Martínez and Rosa M. Ruiz-Vázquez (2014). Identifying the RNase III involved in a dicer-independent non-canonical RNA silencing mechanism in Mucor circinelloides. 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, p. 210.
• Trung Anh TRIEU, Stanis MALANGEN, Atsushi DOZAKI, Takeshi AKAOKA, Yasuo TAKEMURA, Mitsuharu URABE and Masayuki MURAI (2010). Single-genic segregation in heading date, observed in a progeny (F8 generation) of the cross between two indica-type varieties in rice. Shikoku Journal of Crop Science 47: 44 – 45.
• Trieu TA, Nguyen VA, Tran ATQ and Nguyen CV (2007). Determination of the frequencies of Ryanodine Receptor-1 genotype in Mong Cai stock pigs and its F1 generation. National Conference Proceeding “The basic research problems in Life Science”.