Ngô Anh Tiến, PhD
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Thông tin
Dr. Ngo Anh Tien has over four years research experiences in the field of DNA nanotechnology (DNA nanostructures as term of DNA origami) and molecular design principles of functional biomolecules and biomolecular assemblies. Furthermore, he has a background within biology for 4 years, especially microbiology, which has been strengthen with chemical engineering for 2 years. Currently, Dr. Tien is working as postdoc researcher at DTU Food, Technical University of Denmark and working on the Development of Solid Phase PCR for Antimicrobial Resistant Genes in a SMARTDIAGNOS project funded by EU.
BSc in Biology (Microbiology) 2006; College of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi,
Lecturer/Researcher June 2006-Jan 2008, Department of Biotechnology, Nha Trang University,
Nha Trang, Vietnam
MSc in Engineering (Chemical Engineering) 2011, SungKyunKwan University, South Korea.
PhD.in Energy Science (Fundamental Energy Science) 2014, Division of Biofunctional
Chemistry Research Section/ Institute of Advanced Energy – Kyoto University, Japan.
Postdoc: Oct. 2014-March 2016, Institute of Advanced Energy – Kyoto University, Japan
Postdoc: April 2016-Present, National Food Institute – Technical University of Denmark,
Dr. Ngo Anh Tien has 9 papers published in International peer review scientific journals, and his publications have been cited more than 120 times (google scholar /Web of Science®) and an h- index of 5 or i10-index of 4.
Selective Publication:
Ngo, T.A., Nakata, E., Saimura, M., Morii, T., Spatially organized enzymes drive cofactor-coupled cascade reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 3012−3021