15 suất học bổng PhD tại University of Heidelberg

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Medical Research Center tại Univeristy of Heidelberg, Đức Quốc, đang cần tìm các ứng viên PhD cho 15 dự án của Trung Tâm. Cơ quan toạ lạc tại Mannheim, Baden-Wuttemberg, và có các nghiên cứu tập trung vào mảng y học ứng dụng với sự hợp tác từ các bác sĩ y khoa, nhà sinh học, nhà hoá học, và kỹ sư y sinh.

Để ứng tuyển, độc giả vui lòng gởi curriculum vitae tới địa chỉ:

Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Gretz
Tel.: 0621 383 -5588
E-mail: [email protected]

Allocation of ESRs – Projects and Hosts:

ESR ID Description Host
1 A new diagnostic device to assess different aspects of renal function transcutaneously. UHEI
2 Development of dyes/tracers for analysis of renal function. CY
3 Evaluation of tracers for monitoring renal function using in vitro culture systems. UU
4 Development of a panel of novel biomarkers to assess kidney disease progression/regression UU
5 Assess the safety and efficacy of renal RMT using advanced imaging technologies. LIVUNI
6 Innovative MRI & multi-modal strategies for evaluating the safety and efficacy of RMTs LIVUNI
7 Innovative MSOT & multi-modal strategies for evaluating the safety and efficacy of RMTs iThera
8 Develop novel image analysis tools to enhance our understanding of complex imaging data. LIVUNI
9 Optimise and apply novel clearing-based technologies for the analysis of intact kidneys and other organs in order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of RMTs UHEI
10 Investigating MoA of RMTs by determining their effect on renal vascular endothelial and proximal tubular cells LUMC
11 Assessing safety and efficacy of A-MSCs in a mouse IRI model and investigating MoA of A-MSCs and other MSC sub-types by determining their immunomodulatory effects UHEI
12 Determine the characteristics of CD362+ BM-MSCs and assess their safety and efficacy in an IRI mouse model. NUIG
13 Determine the characteristics of UC-MSCs and assess their safety and efficacy in an IRI mouse model. NHSBT
14 Determine the characteristics of ABCB5+ S-MSCs and assess their safety and efficacy in an IRI mouse model. Ticeba
15 Determine the role of EVs in mediating the therapeutic effects of MSCs. UNITO

Nguồn hình cover: University of Heidelberg

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